
Saturday, November 19, 2022

Mt. Tamalpais State Park and Muir Woods National Monument

We started our day by driving south from Olema (where our campground is located) to Mt. Tamalpais State Park. We drove to the East Peak where we walked the Verna Dunshee Trail which is a great paved loop that offers fantastic views of San Francisco, the bay, Marin, and the Pacific Ocean. Then we took the Plank Walk Trail which took us to the base of the Fire Lookout Station with more gorgeous views. After a picnic at Mount Tamalpais, we drove the short distance to Muir Woods National Monument.

The view from the Verna Dunshee Trail.

Looking toward the Pacific Ocean

The Fire Lookout Station on the East Peak of Mt. Tamalpais

Once at Muir Woods National Monument we set out on a 3.1-mile hike that started along the Redwood Creek before heading into the hills on the east side of the redwood grove. It was a great hike that allowed us to get away from the crowds and really enjoy the towering redwood trees. 

Several posts along the hike were covered with ladybugs!

After our day of sightseeing, we drove back through Olema and on to the next town, Point Reyes Station, where we celebrated our 28th anniversary with pizza at Cafe Reyes. 

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