
Sunday, November 20, 2022

Point Reyes National Seashore

We had a few more hours to spend at Point Reyes National Seashore before we needed to head back to Fresno, so we headed to the Visitor Center which we had not yet had a chance to get to. We were just in time to join a ranger led walk along the Earthquake Trail. The walk took us along the San Andreas Fault where we saw two halves of a fence that was displaced by 16 feet during the Earthquake of 1906. The ranger provided lots of information on the geology of the area.

We left the visitor center and stopped in Inverness to see the shipwreck - the S.S. Point Reyes. It's a boat that shipwrecked on a sand bar in Tomales Bay over 100 years ago. At one point, the owners of the land it sits on were going to remove the boat, but that caused an uproar amongst local photographers who frequently photographed it. So, the owners decided to leave it be.

Our last stop was back at the Cypress Tree Tunnel to walk all the way to the end. 

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