
Friday, November 18, 2022

Point Reyes National Seashore

For our anniversary weekend, we wanted to continue the tradition we started a few years ago of taking a camping trip. This year we chose the coastal region north of San Francisco to be the focus of the trip. We arrived at the Olema Campground in the early afternoon where we quickly unhitched from our trailer and headed straight to Point Reyes National Seashore. We made a short stop at the Cypress Tree Tunnel before continuing the drive to the lighthouse. When researching this trip, I kept reading that the lighthouse is frequently closed due to high winds, but we got lucky and were able to tour it. 

It's a long way down to the lighthouse - 313 steps to be exact!

After seeing the lighthouse, we had just enough daylight left to squeeze in a hike to Chimney Rock. It was an easy 2-mile hike that afforded views of Drake's Beach (with seals sleeping on the beach) and the coastline stretching to the southeast.

We think this was Chimney Rock (after which the hike was named)

See the seals?

We ate dinner back at our trailer and watched a DVD before going to bed.

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