
Sunday, September 26, 2021

Ann Arbor, Michigan

When Brooke enrolled at the University of Michigan for a one year master’s program and joined the track team, Jim and I knew that meant we’d be making a few trips to Michigan this year to catch a U of M home football game as well as attend several track meets. So even though we were just in Ann Arbor to move Brooke into her apartment 6 weeks ago, we were back again for a football game.

We arrived in Ann Arbor on Friday evening in time to take Brooke and her roommate, Eleni, out for dinner and ice cream. We loved hearing all about their classes and the track team! Saturday morning, after a yummy brunch, Brooke gave us a campus tour - showing us where her classes are held, where she likes to study, etc. Then it was time to head to “The Big House” for the game. It was so fun experiencing the excitement of a Big 10 football game with the other 106,000 fans in attendance! And Michigan beat Rutgers 20-13! 

Brooke with her roommate, Eleni.

Brooke's favorite place to study on campus - the Law Library.

In front of the business school where all of Brooke's classes are held.

Ready for the game!

Sunday morning, Brooke showed us around the Nichols Arboretum, a beautiful spot on campus, right by the river, where her track team practices running the hills. After getting Brooke’s pantry stocked with a trip to the store, Jim and I said our goodbyes to Brooke and headed toward Kalamazoo, Michigan where Jim had a work appointment the next day. But, we did make a quick stop in Dexter to get a taste of fall with some apple cider and cinnamon donuts. Delicious!

A stroll through Nichols Arboretum

The cider mill

Enjoying apple cider and donuts before hitting the road

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