
Friday, June 14, 2019

Aarhus, Denmark

 The next morning we picked up cousin Jan and our rental car to drive to the Aarhus/Krajbjerg area of Denmark where the family reunion would be held the next day. It was such fun to have Jan join us for the 3 hour drive as he shared lots of interesting information about the Danish schools, economy, hospital system, etc. Once we arrived near Krajbjerg we asked Jan to show us the little town of Tjerrild after which the family is named. The town of Tjerrild doesn’t appear on Google maps since it’s really no more than a tiny hamlet of just a few houses. Another of Jim’s cousins, Steve and his wife Jennifer, who were also in Denmark from California for the reunion joined us in Tjerrild for the photo op. 

Tjerrild cousins - Jim, Jan, and Steve

In the "town" of Tjerrild

After our visit to Tjerrild we stopped at Jan’s parent’s house. Erika and Holger Tjerrild were gracious hosts who took us on a tour of their home and provided us with a delicious snack of cheeses, crackers, and cake. Neither Holger nor Erika speak English but since Erika is originally from Germany and Jim took German in high school, they had fun trying to communicate. And of course Jan translated for the rest of us. We said goodbye to Jan, Holger, and Erika knowing we’d see them the following day at the reunion. We caravanned with Steve and Jennifer to Aarhus where we checked into our hotel, The Hotel Royal. That evening we walked around and dined in the historic district in the heart of Aarhus.

The Hotel Royal in Aarhus

The Aarhus Cathedral next door to our hotel

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