
Saturday, June 15, 2019

Krajbjerg, Denmark

 Today was the day of the much anticipated Tjerrild family reunion in the little town of Krajbjerg, Denmark - the birthplace of Jim’s Grandpa Tjerrild. We arrived early at the community center in Krajbjerg to help set up for the reunion. Jim worked with some of the Danish relatives to compile a family tree that showed how each person in attendance at the reunion was related, while I helped set the tables. At one point, we took a walk down the street from the community center to see the house in which Jim’s grandpa lived until he came to America at the age of 24. 

Poppy fields

The main street of Krajbjerg

Jim's dad's siblings and cousins

Five of the fourteen grandchildren of Julius Tjerrild made it to the reunion

That's a whole lot of Tjerrilds in one place!

In total, there were at least 40+ Danish Tjerrild’s in attendance and at least 20+ from the US. The reunion was lots of fun and truly a once in a lifetime experience for Jim. After the festivities were over, we drove back to Copenhagen and stayed the night by the airport so that we’d be ready for our early morning flight to Switzerland.

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