
Saturday, October 15, 2022

Acadia National Park - Day #1

For the final leg of my New England trip, Jim joined me so that we could explore Acadia National Park together. During yesterday's drive north through Maine, we experienced very heavy rain. Luckily, we were met with blue skies and sun this morning - perfect for our morning tour with Lulu's Lobster Boat Tours. The 2-hour ride took us from the harbor out to where this company has their lobster traps set. We got to watch as the captain hauled up the trap, emptied the lobsters out, and then reset the trap. Our guide for the trip was quite a character who was full of information and antics! He taught us how to determine if the lobsters we caught were big enough to be "keepers" or if they had to be thrown back. We were also shown how to tell the difference between a male and female lobster. And we each had a turn banding the lobster's claws. It was fun to see the lobstering business up close and fun to be out on the water too.

Our guide posing with lobsters

After lunch at Geddy's, we drove the short distance to the Acadia National Park Visitor Center where we purchased our refrigerator magnet to commemorate our trip to Acadia NP and also had the requisite picture taken in front of the national park sign. From there, it was time to tackle our first hike - the Beehive Trail. This trail is a short 1.5 mile rung and ladder trail that was a good warm up for the Precipice Trail that we planned to do tomorrow. The Beehive Trail was lots of fun and the views from the summit were gorgeous!

We followed the blue paint markers to stay on the trail

At the summit

After the hike, we spent a few minutes checking out Sand Beach, before driving to see Thunder Hole. Thunder Hole was really crowded with people scrambling all over the rocks in every direction. Luckily, we were able to get a few good pictures.

Sand Beach

Thunder Hole

Continuing to follow the Park Loop Road, we came to Jordan Pond. It was getting late in the day, however we thought we could squeeze in the Jordan Pond Loop (3.3 miles) before it got dark. We had great views of The Bubbles (the mountains at the north end of the pond) and the fall foliage was spectacular along the trail.

The boardwalk along the western side of Jordan Pond with The Bubbles in the distance

We made it back into Bar Harbor to have dinner at Side Street Cafe with some friends who were also visiting Acadia NP at the same time as us.

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