
Saturday, January 15, 2022

Ann Arbor, Michigan

With University of Michigan track meets scheduled on back to back weekends, we decided to make a trip to the Midwest which was bookended by the two meets. The first weekend in Ann Arbor was especially fun because my parents, aunt, uncle, cousin, and my cousin’s son joined us. Jim and I arrived ahead of everyone else on Thursday evening in time to meet Brooke and her boyfriend, Patrick for an Italian dinner. The next morning, Brooke gave me and my parents a tour of her apartment, the Ross Business building where she has all of her classes, and the indoor track facility. That evening, the Traverse City part of the family checked into our hotel where we all enjoyed catching up over drinks and snacks in the lobby. 

Brooke giving Grandma and Grandpa a tour around campus

Saturday morning, we all headed to the indoor track to watch Brooke compete in pole vault for U of M. It was lots of fun teaching our family the intricacies of pole vault scoring, technique, etc. Brooke ended up vaulting 13’ 6.25” which she was pleased with.

All set to compete!

Brooke's fan club

Theo, Aunt Sue, Brooke and Stephie

Since we happened to be in town on Brooke’s birthday, we all went to dinner together to celebrate Brooke turning 23. This was the first time in 5 years that we were able to celebrate with Brooke on her actual birthday!

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