
Friday, August 13, 2021

Cleveland, Ohio

After yesterday’s long day of driving from Estes Park, Colorado to South Bend, Indiana, today’s drive into Cleveland seemed relatively short. The first thing on our “must do” list was a visit to The Christmas Story House. Watching The Christmas Story movie has been a holiday tradition in our house since our kids were little and Jim has always been a huge fan, so he was really excited about this stop.

The Christmas Story house

The rooms look just like they do in the movie

The cupboard where Randy hides

Jim with the leg lamp

It was such fun to tour the house where many of the movie scenes were filmed and then go through the museum across the street containing lots of movie memorabilia.

Our next stop of the day took us to Burton, a rural community east of Cleveland, to visit my college sorority sister/roommate, Brenda. We had a wonderful visit with Brenda, her husband, and her 2 teenage sons at their house, before driving over to tour their dairy farm - Hastings Dairy. The tour also included The Rowdy Cow Creamery which is Brenda’s latest endeavor in which she creates delicious cheeses and flavored milks. It was so fun to catch up with Brenda and have a little peek into her life in Ohio. 

Brenda explaining the cheese making process

Brenda gave us a couple of her cheeses to try. They were delicious!

The sunset view from Hastings Dairy

After dinner with Brenda, we drove back into Cleveland so that we would be closer to tomorrow’s adventure - Cuyahoga Valley National Park.

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