
Friday, June 21, 2019

Gossau and Zurich, Switzerland

We took the train from Lucerne to Zurich where we stashed our luggage in some lockers and had a quick lunch before boarding the train to Gossau, the birthplace of Jim’s Grandma Tjerrild. We had arranged to meet Jim’s Aunt Carol and her family who had also been traveling around Europe since the Tjerrild reunion in Denmark last week. Aunt Carol has been to Gossau several times and was the perfect guide. She showed us the house that Grandma Tjerrild had lived in as a girl before immigrating to the US. We also saw her school and church. It was a quick tour, but very meaningful.

The house where Grandma Tjerrild grew up

The church Grandma Tjerrild attended as a girl

After an hour or so in Gossau, we were back on the train headed to Zurich. When we arrived, we set out to explore the downtown area. I had found a walking tour of Zurich online, so we followed that to get an overview of the city. We finished off the day with a delicious fondue dinner at the Swiss Chuchi restaurant before collecting our luggage and going to our hotel out near the airport in preparation for our flight home tomorrow. 

The clock tower of St. Peter's Church in Zurich

A yummy fondue dinner

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