
Friday, August 21, 2020

Sequoia National Park

 My brother, Dave, flew from his home in Minnesota to Fresno to spend a long weekend with my parents and my family. Whenever Dave comes for a visit he likes to spend a day in Yosemite National Park, but this time, due to the pandemic, we decided to spend the day in Sequoia National Park since we didn’t have an entry ticket to Yosemite. 

We stopped at Moro Rock where Dave, Katie, Jim, and I climbed the steep steps to the top. Unfortunately, because of all of the wildfires burning in California, it was a very hazy, smoky view and I didn’t take any pictures from Moro Rock.

Next, we found a shady spot for a picnic at the base of one of the huge Sequoia trees.

After lunch, we crossed the General’s Highway to go through the museum. There was a line to get in which we waited in for a few minutes. We were admitted only to find that the museum was closed because of Covid-19, and we had actually waited in line to enter the gift shop. After some quick browsing through the gift shop, we chose to walk the Big Trees Trail. My parents decided that they would forego the trail, so Dave, Katie, Jim, and I headed toward the trail on our own. The trail is an easy path that loops around a pretty meadow that is ringed with Giant Sequoia trees.

The meadow is surrounded by the red barked sequoia trees

Dave and Katie by a fallen giant sequoia

This tree grew around a granite boulder

After finishing the trail, we met back up with my parents and headed to our last stop of the day - the General Sherman Tree. The sign at the beginning of the path that leads to the General Sherman Tree warns that the .5 mile path is quite steep on the return trip. So my parents just walked a short bit of the trail while the rest of us went on ahead.

General Sherman

It was a great day spent among the giant sequoia trees!